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Above: Demonstrating various mixed media techniques to my students at a centrally-located table in the lab.

Above: Marker assignment focusing on adding tonal values to hairdryer. Students were asked to consider any highlights as well as overlaying marker strokes to create gradients (cylinder).

IAT 208: Drawing as Inquiry



Course Summary:


This course presents an overview of various forms and languages of drawing as both a critical and research tool. Activities and projects in each unit offer opportunities to understand and apply drawing as a medium for visual thinking and conceptualization. This course focuses on improving visual perception and observation in order to depict subjects accurately.


The representation of human forms, along with anatomical structures, and proportions are explored. Perspective projections are studied through studies of architectural forms, spaces and landscape. Composition and rapid visualization are taught in relation to product design ideation. Various drawing media are explored, including grey markers.



Instructional Approach:


This course is taught using a one hour lecture and two hour lab. There are three major assignments composed of research, and two portfolio reviews based on completed lab work at mid-term and at the end of the term.


Course Objectives:


Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

1. Apply principles of visual reportage to and documentary observation to the study of architectural environments and human subjects.

2. Idenitfy and explain historical and cultural functions of drawing.

3. Render architectural and human forms using a variety of media an techniques through a series of gesture, contour and value studies.

4. Ideate product concepts and storyboards using rapid visualization techniques (fineliner pen and grey markers).

5. Render architectural forms using linear perspective theory.

6. Experiment with various physical and digital drawing media including: graphite (pencil), charcoal, pastels, markers and digital tablet.




Exploration sketching, marker rendering, human anatomy proportional drawing, perspective projection and architectural rendering, mixed media, rapid visualization techniques, gestural and contour drawing, digital tablet

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